Math 7 (1.0)
Students will focus on developing an understanding of and applying proportional relationships; developing an understanding of operations with rational numbers and working with expressions and linear equations; solving problems involving scale drawings and informal geometric constructions, and working with two and three-dimensional shapes to solve problems involving area, surface area and volume; and drawing inferences about populations based on samples.
Math 7 Honors (1.0)
The extended course explores the above topics in greater depth and introduces a few more advanced themes to the curriculum.
Math 8 (1.0)
Students will focus on formulating and reasoning with expressions and equations, including modeling association in bivariate data with a linear equation and solving linear equations and systems of linear equations; grasping the concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitative relationships; and analyzing two- and three-dimensional space and figures using distance, angle, similarity and congruence and understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem.
Math 8 Honors (1.0)
The extended course explores the above topics in greater depth and introduces a few more advanced themes to the curriculum.
Integrated Science 7 (1.0)
The theme of this course is “structure.” There is an emphasis on life science; however, topics dealing with physical and earth science are woven throughout the course to assist students in recognizing the integrated nature of science.
Integrated Science 8 (1.0)
“Change” is the theme of this course. There is an emphasis on physical science; however, earth and life science topics are woven throughout the course to assist the student in understanding the integrated nature of science. Topics include chemical and physical change and change in energy, force, and motion. Emphasis will be given to assisting students with connecting science and their daily lives.
Language Arts & Social Studies
English 7 / Honors (1.0)
Seventh grade English is designed to provide students with reading, writing and research/inquiry opportunities. Students will read literature from across several genres and will use the writing process to develop various forms of writing, including an in-depth research paper.
English 8 / Honors (1.0)
This course covers the different aspects of language arts – specifically reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing – and the ways in which we can incorporate them into our lives. Some aspects of this course include writing workshops, research methods, persuasive writing, literature analysis, discussion, peer evaluation, grammar, and vocabulary.
Utah Studies / Honors (0.5)
Utah Studies teaches students about the state of Utah, taking them from early settlement to the present day.
U.S. History / Honors (1.0)
This course is designed to emphasize historic events from the Age of Exploration to Reconstruction and the Western Movement. Topics covered will include, but are not limited to, the Age of Exploration, colonization, the Revolutionary War, the National Period, Constitutional issues, the Civil War, Reconstruction, and the Western Movement.
Physical Education 7 (0.5)
Students in this course will be introduced to a variety of sports. They will be using basic skills they should have developed in elementary school into game situations. The emphasis within the class is on having fun while moving.
Health I (0.5)
This class covers the following topics: nutrition, physical fitness, drug/alcohol/tobacco use, and abuse, mental disorders, suicide, violence prevention, self-confidence, stress management, family and friend relationships, and sex education, also known as maturation. Permission slips are sent home before the maturation unit.
Digital Literacy (0.5)
The goal of this class is to familiarize students with basic computing principles and terminology. By engaging in real-world activities, students will become acquainted with modern technology and learn why it is important. When students understand how computers work, finding solutions to technological problems becomes a lot easier. Students will explore topics such as computer hardware, software, document processing and a variety of other useful applications. Students will also review basic netiquette and internet safety skills.
Creative Coding (0.5)
Creative Coding is a computer science course that engages students in interesting, collaborative learning activities to ensure that students are learning concepts vital to the deep and broad field of computer science. Students work through puzzles and projects to learn the fundamentals of programming and design.
Word Processing (0.5)
Students will create a variety of documents, increase efficiency, productivity, quality, and creativity through the use of basic and advanced software features. The course will also include instruction on proper keyboarding technique.
Innovation Lab (0.5)
Welcome to the Innovation Lab, where the impossible becomes possible! This hands-on course is perfect for students who are curious and love to tinker and build. We will brainstorm ideas, design solutions, create prototypes, and test models through engaging activities and challenges while exploring the world of engineering and technology. Featuring 3D printers, design software, Arduino products, and much more - the Innovation Lab is built for creativity, critical thinking, and teamwork, while inspiring students to become the next generation of thinkers and innovators.
Music Connections (0.5)
This course incorporates music concepts and skills into everyday life. Music Connections will include explorations in creating music, experiments with singing/playing/reading music, development of analytical and evaluative skills in music listening, and investigations of various purposes of music. It will also explore music’s impact on culture, history, and quality of life.
Art Foundations (0.5)
Art Exploration is an introduction to visual arts. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the elements and principles of design through projects completed in several art mediums. Art Exploration will focus on studio production techniques in drawing, watercolor, and clay. This course will promote higher-level thinking through art history and art production concepts. This overview of visual arts includes a variety of art tools and materials. With an emphasis on studio production, this course is designed to develop higher-level thinking, art-related technology skills, and aesthetics.
Theater Foundations (0.5)
Students will learn the foundations of the theater along with many artistic mediums associated with this art. They will also learn how to develop and organize artistic ideas, and they will learn to appropriately critique theater productions. Students will develop techniques to help them express meaning through the presentation of drama/theater works.
College & Career Awareness (0.5)
The College and Career Awareness course is designed to increase awareness of college and career pathways based on interests, skills, and aptitudes. Students will assess their interests and aptitudes and explore related career options. Students will learn about careers and know how to access current information about market demand, average earnings, and training and education requirements. Students will increase their understanding of their personal work-related characteristics and knowledge of careers and related education requirements.
Middle School STEM Research Team (0.5) By teacher invitation only
This course is for students participating in Mountain Heights Academy STEM competition teams. Students are selected by application and teacher approval. This is a hands-on and project-based general elective course that aids students in developing the ability to apply understanding of how the world works within and across the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). This is a general elective course- it does not count towards the middle school science credit requirements.
FACS Exploration (0.5)
This course gives students the opportunity to develop essential skills in the various career pathways related to Family and Consumer Science (FACS). Students will explore and cultivate skills in food and nutrition sciences, childcare, interior design, clothing and textiles, fashion design, consumerism, entrepreneurship, family relationships, personal responsibility, and career and job-related tasks.
Life Skills (0.5)
The course emphasizes goal-setting, decision making and problem-solving, mental health habits, study skills, resilience, communication, citizenship, and community.