Why Our Online Charter School is Tuition-Free

Parents often ask us how and why Mountain Heights Academy can be a tuition-free online charter school. With reason, we understand how families can be taken aback by a positive schooling system that doesn’t require the same monthly or annual costs of private education. And it’s true! Aside from the nominal fees charged at the beginning of the school year, there are no other costs associated with attendance.

The answer we can give families is fairly simple, Mountain Heights Academy is funded at about the same rate as other distract schools, through taxpayer dollars. As a public, and completely online charter school, we’re an incredible alternative schooling experience for many children and adolescents, and we have to thank the hard-working public and educational board for such an opportunity. But, for the sake of education, let’s dive a bit deeper into the funding of a charter school.

What Does Charter Mean?

The word “charter” means many different things in different contexts. In this context, a charter is a contract with binding agreements between two parties. In the case of Mountain Heights Academy, this agreement is between the Academy and the local board of education. This means we’re able to operate under the oversite of the board. Being an online charter school, this also means we have to meet the same educational standards as any other public school in the state of Utah. In the simplest of terms, a charter school in Utah is free because they technically fall under the umbrella of a public school, even if they are slightly different.

Where Does Mountain Heights Academy Get its Funding?

Charter and public schools are funded by you! As a public service, they are funded by the people and there for everyone. Taxes that are paid to the government go into various funds, and of course, one of those funds is specifically for Utah state education. Although there are more than just one solitary education fund that feeds money into a school district, in a general sense, each school district receives a certain amount of money based on several factors, such as attendance and enrollment, to socioeconomic status.

Is Schooling Actually Free?

Yes and no! After a school district receives funds from the state, they give an agreed-upon amount for each charter school to operate. Of course, as each charter school is unique, and so too will be their specific agreement. The state of Utah recognizes the value of charter schooling options. After all, our charter school, as well as others, support the idea of educational innovation and the power of choice. We’re dedicated to providing families with a high-quality education that emphasizes the need for a well-rounded staff of educators and a game-changing curriculum that’s home-based.

Of course, running Mountain Heights Academy isn’t without its costs, as there’s always a cost to educating students. However, we take pride in using our funding responsibly, to ensure that every child that comes to use has the chance to receive the education they deserve. As a publicly funded establishment, your family will never have to pay the cost of attendance.