Great Teachers

Mountain Heights Academy is an online public charter school open to all Utah students in grades 7-12.

We often get asked about the quality of our teachers. In a word, they’re amazing. (Just ask our students. We hear that over and over.)

Many students say they’re learning more here than they did at traditional school, and getting more one-on-one attention. That’s because our teachers truly love what they’re teaching. And they have generous office hours where they’re available to chat, email, video conference, or screen share when a student needs help.

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Self-directed learning

One of the lasting benefits of our program is that students learn how to manage their time. Our weekly modules empower students with the freedom to complete their assignments at their own pace—knowing that everything must be turned in each Friday by 6:00 pm. We call it self-directed learning. Some students get up and jump right into their school work each day, while others go to jobs or do their extra-curricular activities first. Some complete their assignments early so they can have a long weekend. And some even work ahead.


One of the top reasons for choosing Mountain Heights Academy is the flexibility to do school whenever, wherever. Like a traditional school, students sign up for classes that have assignments and due dates. But here, they have the freedom to log in and access their courses at any time. Even from out of town. There are students who are early birds. Night owls. And students who prefer to break up their learning throughout the day.

Extra curricular activities

While our classes are taught online, we offer all kinds of ways for students to connect in real life. Our students participate in service learning opportunities, collaborative group projects, field trips, and social events—including prom.

Leadership opportunities

Mountain Heights is also a great place for leadership opportunities, with student body officers, class senators, peer mentors, and National Honor Society. Students can also join a number of clubs and take on leadership roles there, too.