
While researching online schools, parents need to be vigilant and ensure that their child is enrolled in a program that will allow them to graduate with a legitimate diploma from an accredited institution.


Accreditation is not a one-time requirement. Rather, it is an ongoing commitment to excellence and accountability and a standard of evaluation that ensures that students are receiving the optimal opportunities to learn and develop.

Mountain Heights Academy Is an Accredited, Tuition-Free Public School

Mountain Heights is fully accredited through AdvancED, just like all public high schools in the state. As a public charter school, the school is authorized to operate as a school in Utah by virtue of a contract with the state through the State Charter School Board. Mountain Heights credits will transfer to any other accredited school in Utah, and vice versa.

However, we invite you to do the research yourself. You can find more information on Mountain Heights Academy on the following sites:

About Charter Schools

In order to understand how Mountain Heights Academy compares with other public schools, we invite you to learn more about charter school requirements. As a fully accredited public charter school, Mountain Heights complies with all the same state-mandated requirements as your neighborhood schools, including annual reports, monthly budget reports, and statewide testing programs. Like all public schools, charter schools are tuition-free, and available to any student who meets state residency requirements. As the Utah State Charter School Board states, charter schools are “open to the public, funded by the public, and accountable to the public” just like all public schools in the state of Utah. 

Mountain Heights Goes Above and Beyond

Not only is Mountain Heights a fully accredited online school, but it’s also the highest-performing online school in Utah based on completion rates of 86%, test scores at or above the state average, and graduation rates. We believe in offering a world-class education and going beyond the baseline requirements to better meet our students’ specific needs and equip them with all the tools they need in order to succeed.